Water management in a changing climate – impacts on catchments and food production

Seminar organised by LIFE IP Rich Waters and Waterdrive, within the Baltic Sea Regional Conference on Water Management in Agricultural Landscapes, ”Working for ecosystem services, food security and rural development in the Baltic Sea Region”.
What will be the effects of a changing climate and how can we adapt our water management to new circumstances? In this webinar we will discuss examples from the Baltic Sea region of impacts of climate change on water management in the landscape. The webinar includes presentations about impacts on freshwater ecosystem services, examples of adaptation measures to agriculture drought and case studies on impacts on water quality and quantity in agricultural areas.
The aim is to share experiences and contribute to new perspectives and ideas.
Workshop program
Introduction to the webinar. Kristina Johansson, LIFE IP Rich Waters, County Administrative Board of Västmanland
Presentation “Potential impacts of climate change on agricultural water management in Estonia”. Tiia Pedusaar, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallin (15 min presentation + 10 min Q&A)
Presentation “Adaptation measures to agricultural drought within Baltic Sea region a literature study”. Tapio Salo, Natural Resources Institute Finland (15 min presentation + 10 min Q&A)
10.00 Break
Presentation “What happens in a future climate with freshwater ecosystem services?” Sara Bergek, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (15 min presentation + 10 min Q&A)
Presentation “The effects of extreme weather conditions on water quantity and quality agricultural areas in Latvia”. Ainis Lagzdins, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (15 min presentation + 10 min Q&A)
Discussion on common challenges and possible solutions
11.30 End of webinar
More information and registration
More information: Kristina Johansson, LIFE IP Rich Waters,